5 Wishes

The 5 Wishes Document: A Comprehensive Guide

The 5 Wishes document is a legally valid advance directive recognized in most states that allows you to express how you want to be treated if you become seriously ill.

It is designed to be easy to understand and complete, ensuring that your wishes are respected and your loved ones are informed about your preferences.

5 Wishes Document Overview

The 5 Wishes document addresses five key areas of end-of-life care and personal preferences. It combines a living will and a healthcare power of attorney into one comprehensive document, making it easier to communicate your wishes.

Components of the 5 Wishes Document

Wish 1: The Person I Want to Make Care Decisions for Me When I Can’t

This section allows you to appoint a healthcare agent or proxy who will make medical decisions on your behalf if you are unable to do so. This person should understand your values and be willing to advocate for your wishes.
Key Elements:
  • Primary Agent: Name the person you trust to make healthcare decisions for you.
  • Alternate Agents: Name alternate agents in case the primary agent is unavailable.
  • Decision-Making Authority: Specify the extent of the agent’s authority, including decisions about medical treatments, facilities, and care providers.

Wish 2: The Kind of Medical Treatment I Want or Don’t Want

This section outlines your preferences for medical treatment, including life-sustaining measures and interventions. It helps ensure that your wishes regarding medical care are followed.
Key Elements:
  • Life Support: Indicate whether you want life-support treatments, such as mechanical ventilation, if you are in a persistent vegetative state or terminal condition.
  • CPR: Specify whether you want cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) if your heart stops.
  • Tube Feeding: Decide if you want to receive food and water through a tube if you cannot eat or drink on your own.
  • Comfort Care: Express your preferences for pain management and other comfort measures.

Wish 3: How Comfortable I Want to Be

This section allows you to express your wishes regarding pain management, comfort, and personal care. It ensures that your comfort and dignity are prioritized.
Key Elements:
  • Pain Relief: Specify your preferences for pain relief, including the use of medication.
  • Personal Care: Indicate your preferences for personal care, such as bathing, grooming, and dressing.
  • Environment: Describe the type of environment you would like, including lighting, music, and other comfort measures.

Wish 4: How I Want People to Treat Me

This section addresses your preferences for how you want to be treated by others, including family, friends, and healthcare providers. It focuses on your emotional and spiritual needs.
Key Elements:
  • Visitation: Specify who you want to visit you and who you do not want to visit.
  • Spiritual Needs: Indicate your preferences for spiritual care, such as prayers, religious rites, or the presence of a spiritual advisor.
  • Personal Interaction: Describe how you want to be communicated with and treated by others.

Wish 5: What I Want My Loved Ones to Know

This section allows you to leave personal messages for your loved ones, share your thoughts on how you want to be remembered, and provide instructions for your funeral or memorial service.
Key Elements:
  • Messages to Loved Ones: Write personal messages to your family and friends.
  • Legacy and Remembrance: Share your thoughts on how you want to be remembered.
  • Funeral Instructions: Provide instructions for your funeral or memorial service, including preferences for burial or cremation.

How to Complete and Use the 5 Wishes Document

  • Complete the Document: Fill out each section of the 5 Wishes document according to your preferences. Be as specific as possible to ensure your wishes are clear.
  • Sign and Witness: Sign the document in the presence of the required number of witnesses (typically two) to make it legally valid. Some states may also require notarization.
  • Distribute Copies: Provide copies of the completed document to your healthcare agent, family members, healthcare providers, and anyone else who needs to be aware of your wishes.
  • Review and Update: Review the document periodically and update it as needed to reflect any changes in your preferences or circumstances.
The 5 Wishes document is a powerful tool for ensuring that your healthcare and personal preferences are respected during serious illness or end-of-life care. By clearly communicating your wishes, you can provide peace of mind for yourself and your loved ones.